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Semalt: Using Quality Structured Data To Get More Traffic To Your Website

Have you ever gone through a scattered room looking for a pair of sock? No bet it wasn't easy. The same ideology applies to the website.

Finding information on the internet is very easy and very complicated, and here is why. If you give your website to Semalt, no doubt it will come out on top. This is because we know how to put features, text, and images at appropriate. Just like the builders, we've spent years working with the materials your website needs and we’ve figured out how to tweak your website to come up with those fantastic results.

That is why every website should be registered with Semalt but since that isn’t possible, we limit our cliental to promising websites such as yours. As professionals, we have the tools and talents to structure your website so good that it will always get spotted when your keywords are searched but enough with that.  

What Are Quality Structured Data?

These are the arrangement of the contents on a website properly. Semalt helps your website by putting the right things at the right places. This enables your visitors and search engine crawlers to navigate freely. This feature can be the last element you’re missing when you try to get your website ranked. But no matter how high your SEO keywords are, it won't be easy to find if your website isn't structured correctly. 

Over the years, Semalt has worked with many clients and websites. Through these years, it has become common to find websites that make amazing use of SEO keywords. But these websites never get any traffic or clicks, which becomes a severe problem for their owners. When you take away a website's colors, font styles, and graphics, all you’re left with is the structure. 

Our human mind looks for equilibrium, a pattern, and a sequence to learning or understanding. What this means is that we are more interested in the sequence of 1,2,3,4 when learning our numbers that a scattered representation of these numbers like 10,000, 100, 3, 6. Our minds prefer finding things where they are expected to be. 

Users on the internet prefer to start reading an article or your web content from the least complex information down to the most complex. Generally, if you start from the most complex, readers lose interest and move to a better website. 

As you know, Google’s policies are designed to suit the users first. This means the more appealing your website is to the reader, the more appealing it becomes to Google’s search engine. Google’s algorithm collects information from searches and uses this data to rank your site. How it functions is that if a user finds your site, SERP or your search engines monitor how long these users stay on the site. A well-structured website makes the visitor stay longer on the site where a poorly structured site makes the reader leave. 

Other factors, like the bounce rate, also matters when considering the site structure. A good site structure can reduce the bounce rate, and your reader's dwell time. When you combine these two factors, your website automatically gets ranked. 

A good site structure provides your site with better site links. 

Site links are the listing format in SERP that shows your site's main page along with several internal links. These site links are gold when it comes to SEO optimization. They make your website easy to read through by your user. It points the reader to the most relevant information on your website, which increases your brand's reputation, and users trust the content you deliver. All these help your website have a better position in SERP. 

How do you get these site links?

You can't go to Google search console and fill a form to get site links. Simply put, you can’t request a site link. These links are automatically awarded by Google’s algorithm when your site structure becomes good enough to qualify. And without these site links, your website may suffer a reduction in your target traffic, higher CTR, and increased conversion.

Search engines need better site structures for better crawling.

Web crawlers like Googlebot crawl through websites depending on their structure. A properly structured website makes it easier and faster to move through and discover the keywords you have placed. The goal of this WebCrawler is to index the contents to return its analysis as search results.

You should know that the contents on your website aren’t automatically known to Google. These crawlers don’t just discover the result they choose to display when a keyword is searched. Google itself has come out to say that they may not have discovered some pages or URLs today. This is because they weren’t detected by Google’s WebCrawler. To ensure your website and web pages do not suffer this same fate, you should make your website easier to access, crawl through, and index by WebCrawler’s. 

A good site structure is a core to optimizing SEO

In the end, how good your SEO is primarily and many times entirely defined by your site structure. Many professionals will argue that without a good site structure, your SEO will never be successful. The site structure is the foundation of your SEO, and like with any building, the foundation must be strong. A weak or poorly constructed foundation only means your building will crumble. Eventually, it’s only a matter of time. Likewise, your website will eventually fail without the right structure.

Here are the steps to creating the proper site structure  

Develop a hierarchy before you develop your website

If you’re starting up a new website, you can plan out what form the site will take from scratch. Even before you advance to creating pages in a CMS, you should plan out what structure you will like the website to take. You can do the planning on a spreadsheet, whiteboard, or on a word processor.

Your information should have a hierarchy. The information displayed should flow in a way that makes sense. Once you’re done, this hierarchy will become your navigation and URL structure, so every significant or important step you intend on taking is affected by what you do here.  

There are a few features of hierarchy you should keep in mind.
  • Make your hierarchy goals logical. Do not try to overthink or complicate the process. 
  • Keep the number of main categories between two and seven. Unless you're an eCommerce shopping website, you do not want to have too many categories. It makes your website too, "busy."
  • Try to balance the number of subcategories within each category. Although this isn't necessarily compulsory, it is something web designers should try and achieve. One main category shouldn't have ten subcategories, while the other has only five. It makes the website look unprofessional.  
Your URL structure must follow your Navigation hierarchy.

Another essential structure is your URL structure. If you've executed the first step properly, this shouldn't be a problem. Your URL will carry the main website, one main category, before the subcategory. It should look like This link arranges the information displayed according to its hierarchy. 

Your site navigation should be in CSS or HTML format.
When you create a website, keep the coding simple. Using a more compels coding language makes it difficult for WebCrawler’s to cover your site. 

Use a shallow, deep navigation structure.

When determining what goes where, be careful not to bury the most important parts of your website too deep in your hierarchy, shallow sites work far better for both web crawlers and your readers.

Develop a comprehensive internal linking structure

We have identified three reasons why this trait is important for the structure of your website. Here is a list of why internal links are essential: 
  • They allow users to navigate the website
  • They help establish the information hierarchy on the website. 
  • They help spread the ranking power across the website, giving you a better position.
Each of these contributes to creating a perfectly stacked website.
Internal links aren't as though as rocket science. It simply means that you link one content or page on your website to the next. This internal linking should direct your reader to related subcategory pages and the main category page.
Internal links tell search engines which websites are important and how to get there.